Travel, Books & Coffee

What people need to know about travel

Do you Wonder why you Wander?

Do you possess an insatiable desire for adventure? Would you pack your bags and go in an instant? You may be one of about 10 percent of the world’s population with the DRD4 7R GENE, now dubbed the “Wanderlust Gene” due to recent research breakthroughs.

Carriers of this little guy are known to take more risks in order to produce dopamine, aka your brain’s chemical happy-maker. That’s because its sensation-seeking creative carriers don’t as readily register the same happy feeling that the other 90 percent of the population feels in their day-to-day lives. If you are prone to daydreams of adventures at your office desk, chances are, you can blame it on the 37,000-year- old-gene. Wander on, our traveling friends-we feel you.-S.D.

Lifted from American Airlines September 2016 seat magazine.

Avisant: It’s all about travel, books and coffee!

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